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Comprehensive Plan

boldly moving Fort Payne FORWARD

Fort Payne Forward cover.png

<<     click on the link to view the final plan

the Planning Process...



Phase 1 of the planning process is comprised of data collection and analysis on existing trends and conditions for Fort Payne as well as early identification of opportunities and challenges.


Public Input

Phase 2 of the planning process is the public input portion of the Fort Payne FORWARD Comprehensive Plan. Guidance from the Fort Payne community is gathered through interactions with the project website and Facebook page, the online survey, as well as in-person stakeholder and public meetings. The input helps to guide the creation of specific development goals for the final plan.


The Plan

Phase 3 of the planning process involves crafting a draft master plan that lays out strategic goals for topics such as housing and transportation, as well as an action plan to meet these goals.



Phase 4 of the planning process is where the rubber meets the road. Fort Payne will present a draft plan for public review, after which the plan will be formally adopted and the work can begin.

Planning Process

A Cyclical Process


This diagram shows the typical cycle of the planning process. Once adopted, the plans are usually updated every 15-20 years. Ideally a continual cycle of improvement for the city.

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